BioPro Mobile
With the Biopro Mobile application, daily operational transactions related to Assets, Work Request and Work Order can be done easily from iPhone and Android based smart mobile phones.
Major functions:
With Asset Management:
Asset can be queried and details can be examined
Device information can be accessed by reading the barcode associated with the asset
A new work order can be added to the asset by scanning the barcode.
All work orders related to a device can be reviewed
Device history can be listed in order of events
Devices with alerts can be listed or system alerts about a device can be viewed.
Faults related to a device can be listed and new work orders can be created
With Work Requests Management:
Work requests from facility personnel can be listed and their information can be reviewed.
New work requests can be created
Work order creation and assignment can be done from the work request
With Work Order Management:
Work Order records can be created and listed, closed by entering information
Changes to the Work Order record can be listed in chronological order
By reading the barcode or QR code of a device, the time of intervention in the Work Order can be recorded automatically.
The labor spent on the Work Order can be recorded
Materials used in the Work Order can be recorded
Notes registered for a Work Order can be listed and multiple notes can be added
External company interventions information related to the Work Order can be listed and a new intervention record can be added.